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Pet Shed

A pet shed is great for providing your pet with a spacious, safe and warm enviornment! Very commonly in the UK, a lot of guinea pig and rabbit owners keep their pets outdoors as our weather is never overly hot or extremly freezing. I personally love having a guinea pig shed! It's easy having everything all in one space while the pets are still nice and warm in the shed. 
The guinea pig shed started off as a garden tool shed. It is a custom shed that was built down the side of our house, making the sizing very unusal at 5ft wide by over 12 ft long. The shed has a brick wall on one side and a wooden insulated wall at the back and on the right as you walk through the door. One of my favourite parts is the plastic roof up above, it provides lots of natural sunlight and it's really nice to see the stars at night too! It also keeps it nice and warm during the winter. We insulated the whole shed for colder weather but also have a specalised shed heater installed. During the warmer months, I use a small fan to circulate the air and keep it cool and I am also able to leave the main door open as the mesh door keeps them safe but also nice and cool when its hot. The shed has been made from all recycled materials and was extremly cheap to create. It also houses my two tortoises Ellie and Mango! 
. Warm in the winter
. Keeps pets safe
. Spacious
. Lots of areas for organisation
. Everything is kept in one space
. Can house mutiple pets
. With more space you can have more pet items!
. Fun to decorate for special occasions or themes
. Easy to maintain 
. Weatherproof
. Can easily be made unique with various cage designs
. High chances of getting / attracting creepy crawlies
. Can become dusty or messy easily
. You have to go outdoors to see your pets
. Can get warm during the Summer
. Can be difficult to build cages and storage into without past experience
. Easily gets dirty when it's been raining and it is muddy
. Hay and bedding gets everywhere! 
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